Each institution must have the horizon of being a protagonist in the field in which it operates.

We contribute through concrete plans to the establishment of networks, working in the construction of associative universes, managing actions, participating and demonstrating events.

Integrating committees and articulating with public institutions.


1. Media Management: Informative content for media (production criteria and newsworthiness). News generation and agenda setting. Management of interviews and lobbying.

2. Clipping of graphic/digital media. Summaries and periodic analysis of publications related to the institution. Mappings.

3. Management of public crisis situations. Institutional relations.

4. Production of institutional content: Management Reports, Sustainability Reports, House Organs. Speech writing.

5. Corporate Identity. Graphic design, Brand Design, Regulatory Manual and Basic Applications. Management of graphic packages and internal communication channels. Editorial design. Digital presentations (Advice, design and content), for monitors or billboards. Printing and merchandising management.

6. House Organs. Periodical publications, production, writing, agenda, interviews and reports.

7. Development of Websites + profiles in social networks. Community management. Hosting. Administration and update.

8. Internal and external communication diagnostics: Media, Public, Discourse Analysis (semantic and semiotic studies) and content development proposals. Diagnostics in Com. 360 (Internal, External and Inter-institutional) and preparation of White Books.

9. Audiences: Constant monitoring of the repercussions of communication actions carried out in institutions or sectors. Analysis and mapping of social actors (stakeholders).

10. Audiovisual Content

-Production of institutional videos, capsules for social networks and content for internal and external communication. We have the experience and the necessary equipment to carry out activities in localities of the Puna, in industrial plants and field locations.

-Photography: Professional productions and «documentaries». Administration and creation of image banks by theme.

– Original soundtrack productions. Composition and recording of original music.